Coming Up: FIZZZ!

How can we possibly break open and potentially connect some of the bubbles we all float around in, in the music sphere (and beyond)? Our up-and-coming meet-up & exchange series, FIZZZ: bursting bubbles aims to break predictable patterns and allow for new ideas, alliances and connections, from all genres, scenes, roles, backgrounds and walks of life. Our upcoming program is still brewing (stay tuned!), but before it’s ready to be served, we invite you to be part of the first steps and kick off the series together with a pre-bang, hosted by MEWEM! Come join us for the initial FIZZZ kick-off get-together at mica -music austria on Friday, September 30th, 2022, from 7-10pm!

Join us for talking, drinking, snacking, exchanging, brainstorming and listening to fine tunes by the one-of-a-kind DJ (among a zillion other things), Rania Moslam. Please feel free to bring a friend, colleague or family member – anyone who you think might benefit from joining. Just let us know! (Capacity is limited.) Please R.S.V.P. to

We will also set up a table for anything you might want to showcase, present, promote or introduce. That means, brochures, folders, music, stickers, download links, art, whatever! Feel free!


FIZZZ should be a space for discussion, discourse and exchange. For people in the music scene (and beyond) to share ideas, (constructive) criticisms, thoughts, plans/wishes for the future, etc. with people they might not always have the chance/motivation/appropriate setting to do so. This is all for the purpose of raising awareness, sensitivity, empathy and hopefully increasing fairness and anti-discrimination practices and positions in the Austrian music scene. And, equally, with the aim of potentially bursting some of the bubbles that exist, which often block progress or change. 

Naturally, we think communication is key here. So, the upcoming events will indeed have focuses (presentations, round tables, panels, etc) on vital, but sometimes unseen, topics that affect the music scene and society at large, which will hopefully act as conversation-sparkers, and possibly even action-sparkers. Essentially: we want to get people talking (that usually don’t) about topics they usually don’t talk to each other about!

The facts

What: FIZZZ kick-off gathering (hosted by MEWEM)

Where: mica – music austria, Stiftgasse 29, 1070 Vienna, ground floor

When: Friday, September 30th, 7-10pm

How: RSVP per email to: