Classical:NEXT 2014 – Final Conference & Showcase Programme

Classical:NEXT, Vienna
May 14 – 17, 2014

  • Classical:NEXT is expo, conference, showcases and networking
  • Opening Keynote by US Baritone Thomas Hampson
  • Enlarged exposition
  • 4 days of varied programme on the future of classical music
  • Showcase and concert highlights every night
  • Register at:

What Is It? Why Attend?
Classical:NEXT is the international, annual event that addresses the challenges facing today’s classical music community head on. More than 1,000 professional delegates from over 40 countries worldwide are gathering in Vienna from the 14th – 17th of May 2014 to encounter new concepts of promotion and marketing, innovative concepts to sustain audience numbers, and financial strategies necessary to survive and thrive.

Classical:NEXT is the one-stop global hub designed to fit the individual needs of each participant: agents or media, composers or musicians, festivals, presenters or promoters, distributors or labels, educational or scientific institutions. At Classical:NEXT you not only meet your immediate peers and partners but representatives from all areas of the classical music arena and both artistic and business themes have their rightful place.

Three days of a varied conference programme, presentations, individual mentoring sessions and round tables are held to serve insights into the dynamics of the scene, including a particular focus on the classical music markets of Brazil and South Korea.

Best practice in music making and alternative concert formats, the next generation of artists and new soundscapes are presented, and the future of the orchestra is also on the programme as are reforms in education.

Explore The Entire Conference Programme:

Who Is Coming To Classical:NEXT 2014?

Read What The Others Say:

Opening Night With Opera Star Thomas Hampson And Music:LX
On the 14th of  May the Luxembourg Export Office will present a musical journey from early to contemporary in the beautiful columned hall of the MAK Vienna. In addition, keynote speaker US Baritone Thomas Hampson will present his ideas on the future of the classical music genre:

8 Jury Selected Artists & Ensembles Featured At C:N Showcase Nights
On the 15th and 16th of May, solo musicians and ensembles from Brazil to Japan, from London to Vienna will highlight their skills and creative visions during the official showcase nights at the Porgy & Bess Jazz & Music Club Vienna:

“off C:N showcases” from South Korea to Sweden
Both countries will showcase their musical excellence in the Musikverein Vienna as well as in the Vienna Konzerthaus, each hosting an off C:N showcase:

“off C:N presentations” Focusing on Internet Solutions
Companies like Sinfini Music (London), Qobuz (Paris), or Hello Stage (Vienna) will feature their latest online services in the frame of the conference programme.

Read the Entire Programme from May 14-17:

You can still register online at: