Celebrating 15 Years of Traditional Viennese Folk Music: Kollegium Kalksburg

This year the positively wacky trio Kollegium Kalksburg, constisting of Heinz Ditsch, Paul Skrepek and Wolfgang Vincenz Wizlsberger, is celebrating its 15th Anniversary as a true and indispensable institution of Viennese music. Thanks to them, traditonal Viennese songs have experienced a sort of renaissance in recent years. This trio really knows how to wrap traditional Viennese folk music in a most unique modern guise. With a good portion of humor, eagerness to experiment  and driven by the spirit of renewal, the three virtuosic entertainers playfully cover a musical spectrum that reaches from the past to the present. It is an approach that has ultimately brought Viennese songs closer to people who basically have little or nothing to do with this kind of music.


Read the full portrait and listen to a track:
mica – music austria Portrait of Kollegium Kalksburg

(Photo by Peter Kubelka)