Call for Proposals: AME FOCUS MARKETING 2021

picture of led signs
Unsplash (c) Karine Germain

Domestic music creators (in all genres) as well as labels, publishers, management, agencies and other industry players are invited to apply for project funding under the Austrian Music Export “Focus Marketing” program. The deadline for submission is May 10, 2021.

The “FOCUS MARKETING” project funding is a new pilot project of Austrian Music Export, which aims to enable a professional international presentation of Austrian music in an environment currently characterized by event cancellations, work and travel restrictions as well as the cancellation of music fairs, showcase festivals and comparable platforms.

The support is aimed at the international marketing and communication of Austrian artists and their artistic projects, such as publications, tours or international collaborations. A focus will be placed on innovative approaches to communicate domestic repertoire to an international audience.

Download: Open Call AME Focus Marketing 2021 (PDF, German)


Applications must be made via email with all the necessary documents (see below) by May 10, 2021 at the latest: office(at), subject: “AME Focus Marketing 2021”

Please submit a

  • Completed and signed application form: AME Focus Marketing Application Form (PDF, German), also available as Microsoft Word .doc File (German)
  • Completed and signed calculation form: AME Focus Marketing Calculation Form (PDF, German)
  • Proof of permanent residence in Austria (Meldezettel Hauptwohnsitz, Gewerbeschein/Firmenbuchauszug, Vereinsregisterauszug)

Please direct inquiries to: office(at) !

For more information on this and other funding opportunities, visit the Austrian Music Export Funding page.