picture of a biotope
(c) sweet spot biotope open call

Sweet Spot – Lounge for electro-acoustic music, Salzburg from the Institute for New Music (INM) of the Mozarteum. The project takes place in June 2022. Open call for submissions of works till April 1, 2022.

A habitat refers to a place or a characteristic area of residence of certain animal and plant species. In relation to humans, it refers to the usual habitat, the place where we live and feel at home.

In 2021, the project explored the idea of soundscape as an acoustic biotope, that is, the acoustic inventory of a habitat. Sounds and field recordings were removed from their original context or location and placed in the acoustic context of the Mirabell Gardens.

Taking this idea further, this year’s project will explore what happens when we start from what is very much our own, what sounds within us, what is familiar and stimulating to us, and where we feel at home – our “habitat,” in other words – and contextualize this in public space. The focus is thus less on the analytical and reconstructive and more on the synthetic and constructive.

Students of composition and sound art are cordially invited to submit concepts for sound installations that deal with the theme of “acoustic habitat”. From the submissions, 3 concepts will be selected, which will then be presented as sound installations in June 2022 in the Mirabellgarten Salzburg, as part of the series “Sweet Spot – Lounge for electro-acoustic music”. For this purpose, a 16-channel loudspeaker system is available, which will be integrated into the garden architecture of the Orangerie Garden.

The selected composers will receive an honorarium of 500€, as well as travel and accommodation expenses of 250€.

Date: 14-19 June 2022
Location: Orangerie Garden in the Mirabell Garden Salzburg, Austria


  • A concept for an electroacoustic piece of at least 10-15 min. length, 16 channels, in outdoor space (max. 1 DIN A4 page).
  • Short curriculum vitae
  • Samples of work

DEADLINE: April 1, 2022

Applications via upload including name here.