Avant Premiere Music & Media Market

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(c) IMZ

From February 17 – 21, 2024, the Avant Première festival will once again transform Berlin into the epicenter of music and dance performance films, where creators and industry professionals experience four days of screenings, pitching sessions, and networking.

Avant Première, the major screening and industry event for music and dance performance films, is coming to Berlin! From February 17-21, 2024, this unique event provides a platform for the world of music and art-performance films. Producers, distributors, artists, and culture enthusiasts will come together to showcase their latest films, engage in trade, exchange ideas, hold lectures and panels, and find partners and financiers. Over 600 new productions will be presented at the venue, where the who’s who of the global music and dance performance film industry networks, negotiates partnerships, makes purchases and sales, and gathers ideas for the coming year. Exclusive special rate tickets are still available, making access to Avant Première more affordable.

Pitch your Film

Are you a filmmaker? Don’t miss the opportunity to pitch your film projects in the Sunny Side of the Doc + IMZ Pitching Sessions in front of key industry decision-makers. The festival is interested in stories exploring any aspect of the performing arts – performances under special circumstances, music or arts documentaries, and more – see the project submission page for more information. You can submit your project after buying a ticket to the event or contact our project manager, Max Güntert, directly.