Austria’s Young Composers: Tomasz Skweres

The field of contemporary music currently seems to be be emerging. Partly responsible for this development is a young generation of composers who expand the stylistic range of contemporary music in this country with fascinating new facets. This time mica portrays the Polish born composer Tomasz Skweres.

Fast Facts:
For me as a musician, the search for balance between the emotional and intellectual side of art plays a particularly important role. I see my two main professions – composing and playing the cello – as complementary artistic activities that help me to find my own personal form of expression. The process of composing, in my opinion, is a thorough study of human perception. One of the most exciting parts of my compositional work is raising the question how can I as a composer stimulate certain emotional impressions of the listener. The analysis of the phenomenon of time plays a central role in my work: How can I manipulate the perception of time for the listener so that it is perceived not as a constant, but as repeatedly changing rapid movement?

Tomasz Skweres always focuses on the sound in his compositions. Common, by the differentiated use, exciting stylistic methods are glissandi. In combination with dynamic development, these are dipped in finely tuned sounds, letting the listener immerse into sometimes quick, sometimes slow abrasive sounds with these continuous progressions. These are then again contrasted by repeated notes or chords, which create the temporal orientation. The same applies to the use of the voice, which uses the same materials. Titles such as “Linie” [in English: line] or “Hypertonie” [hypertension] leave room for speculation, the titles “Wasser” [in English: water], “Mond” [in English: moon] or “Psalm 13” are more specific in the use of text, but still leave enough space to develop own thoughts.

Important Compositions:

“Am Anfang starb ein Rabe” based on the 3 miniatures of Levin Westermann for speaker, baritone and 12 instruments
Premiered 2010 in the Stadttheater Bern at the Festival Biennale Bern

“Direkt” for soprano, flute and cello, 2007
(2nd prize at the International Composition Competition of the Reinl Foundation, 2008)Premiered at the festival “Composer Marathon” at the Vienna Konzerthaus, in October 2007

“Wasser” for violin, cello and piano, 2008
(Winner of the commission for the 4th International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition in 2009, published in 2010 by Verlag Doblinger)
Premiered Haydn Hall in the Esterhazy Palace in Eisenstadt)

Photo: Dominant Media