Austria’s Young Composers: Manuel de Roo

The field of contemporary music in Austria currently seems to be emerging. Partly responsible for this development is a young generation of composers who expand the stylistic range of contemporary music in this country with high creativity and fascinating new facets. This time mica portrays Manuel De Roo.

Fast Facts
Born in 1979 in The Hague, Netherlands, living since 1992 in Austria. Studied guitar with Peter Heiß in Innsbruck, specialized in orchestral and ensemble playing and chamber music. Member of the OENM – Austrian Ensemble for New Music. Studied composition in Salzburg with Reinhard Febel. 2008 music scholarship in Salzburg. 2009 Publicity Award of the SKE. Particular interest in the diversity of people and their different musical worlds, therefore significant influences from various styles. Long-standing improvisational collaboration with dancer Julia Schwarzenbach. Loves cooking and is constantly looking for connections and/or correlation between culinary and musical diet.


Manuel de Roo’s work is closely linked to literature. On the one hand, he combines a variety of texts in his music, on the other hand, he expresses his thoughts on the value and impact of art itself in words. In his music he also admits to political importance. Thus, de Roo deals in “Thrillogy” with the hunger in the world. Among other things, de Roo also uses parts of the Bible and Jean Ziegler. Musically, “most unfortunate aspects of the global human society” are pointed out with repetitive elements shows that remind us of the music of a thriller, but also softly coated dissonances in whispered passages  express the pessimistic mood. In addition, he sets a political statement with his instructions. After the performance of the composition, the musicians are encouraged to take the € 2 coins, which were first used to perform on the strings, to donate to the fight against hunger.

Important compositions:

“12 Stücke für den Instrumentalunterricht”
– for ensembles of 2-4 players in various combinations – as a co-author of “New Sounds Cookbook” [], premiered March 7th 2011, Music School Burghausen

“Von Engeln” – for children’s choir and ensemble – in reference to texts by Hildegard von Bingen and Meister Eckhart, Premiered October 27th 2007, stART Festival Salzburg

Music for the film Polaroids by Bernhard Braunstein – with live performance, Premiered March 24th 2011, Salzburg Biennale