Austria’s Young Composers: Judit Varga

Despite her young age, the Hungarian composer and pianist Judit Varga, who currently lives and works in Austria, can already look back on considerable successes. Numerous awards testify that this is one of the most promising representatives of the younger generation of composers. Reason enough to portray this outstanding composer in the new mica series “Austria’s Young Composers”.

Fast Facts
I believe that one should compose beautiful music. It doesn’t necessarily have to be pleasant, easy to listen to or artificial. Beauty captivates listeners with its perfection and overwhelms them with its magnificence.

I believe that one should also compose ugly music. Ugliness and beauty form a strong unit. If we release ugly sounds upon our audience, we have the responsibility to gently contribute to the mood and to not let them leave the concert hall until we have resolved the caused dissonance.

But above all, I believe that one should compose good music. Therein lies order, but not necessarily regularity. Good music does not leave its audience cold, but also does not necessarily push to the fore.

Judit Varga creates her compositions with a fine sense of musical developments, both as absolute music as well as functional music for film and theater. Repetitive elements merge into slow and gradual changes and thus give the listeners time to embrace it. At the same time, the curve of tension is never disregarded, as in “13 Lieder”. The composer, who is also an active pianist, uses the piano both in its originally given tonal frame, but also de-tunes it on occasion. “Sweeter than roses” develops its charm by the de-tuned chords, which are built on a tonal foundation. While the chamber music compositions are mostly marked by a tense calmness,  the full force of the sound is especially noticeable in orchestral works.

Important Compositions

“Le Temps retrouvé”
for large orchestra
Premiered 2009 Budapest (Hungary)

“Strictly Ballroom I-V” for various chamber ensembles
Premiered 2004-2006 Vienna-Rome

“In memory of J. V.” for ensemble
Premiered 2003 Schwechat

Photo: Tünde Tucsek