Austrian Music Theatre Day 2019

Musiktheatertage Wien (c) Martin Wenk

The Austrian Music Theatre Day is an international networking event taking place on September 14, 2019 in the context of the Musiktheatertage Wien at Vienna´s WUK. Austrian Music Export and Musiktheatertage Wien cordially invite all persons working in the field of music theatre to participate. 

Music theatre is intense. Often several (international) partners are needed to realise a work. What can be learnt from international organisers? What are the challenges for all those involved in a co-production – from the authors to the performers through to the producers? Austrian Music Export and the Musiktheatertage Wien intend to address these questions within the scope of the Austrian Music Theatre Day and cordially invite all persons working in the field of music theatre to participate. Seven productions will be presented in the form of short pitches. There will also be an extensive programme of networking events and moderated discussions.


Selection process and selected productions
The selection process was organized through a call for proposals. The panel, consisting of Carola Bauckholt (Anton Bruckner Private University Upper Austria), Guy Coolen (Operadagen Rotterdam), Georg Steker (Musiktheatertage Wien) and Iris ter Schiphorst (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna), opted for productions where music played a significant role.

  • “Gestochen und Weg“ by Elisabeth Schimana/Anne Cotten, produced by netzzeit
  • “Ring Modulationen” by Reinhold Schinwald/Gina Mattiello, produced by büro lunaire
  • “CRIME:USA” by Caitlin Smith/Alix Lambert (cancelled)
  • “Be My Superstar” by Simon Vosecek, produced by LOD muziektheater
  • “Namphaise” by Zesses Seglias/Schallfeld Ensemble
  • “Opera of Entropy” by Thomas Jelinek/Jorge Sanchez-Chiong, produced by nomad theatre
  • “Planet Globokar“ by Vinko Globokar/Studio Dan

Find more about the selected productions.

Panel Discussion: Produce and Partner-up
At this round table, the international discussion participants will explore the possibilities of cooperation: What conditions do producers encounter? Which co-production models have proven to be effective and why? Which ones don’t? Are there well established practice models? What other responsibilities do the institutions themselves share – from the permanent house to the established ensemble through to the independent group – to build up a next generation of music theatre creators?


  • Laura Artoni (proscena, Milan)
  • Airan Berg (Festival of the Regions, Orfeo & Majnun)
  • Guy Coolen (Operadagen Rotterdam)
  • Christine Fischer (Musik der Jahrhunderte, Neue Vocalsolisten and Festival Neue Musik ECLAT)
  • Hermann Schneider (Landestheater Linz)
  • Moderation: Esther Schollum

Schedule & Registration

Austrian Music Theatre Day 2019
September 14, 2019 from 10:00-18:00
Location: WUK, Währingerstrasse 59, 1090 Vienna, Austria


  •  10:00h Registration
  • 10:15h Welcoming: Sabine Reiter (mica – music austria)
  • 10:30h Keynote: Ulrike Kuner (IG Freie Theater, Kulturrat Österreich)
  • 11:00h World café: „What does music theatre need today?“
  • 12:15h Presentations
  • 13:00h Lunch break
  • 14:00h Welcoming
  • 14:30h Pitches from Austria
  • 15:30h Coffee break
  • 16:00h Panel discussion: „Produce and Partner-Up“
  • 17:30h Conclusion and closing

Registration required. Please register until September 10, 2019. Contact: Doris Weberberger & Ruth Ranacher

Musiktheatertagen Wien: Programme

September 12/13/14, 2019
OPERA of TIME. A wild Party – oder der Ball der Zeit
Jorge Sánchez-Chiong / Thomas Jelinek

September 13/14, 2019
4 composers / 4 pieces
Yiran Zhao, Malte Giesen, Øyvind Mæland, Natalia Domínguez Rangel

September 15, 2019
UTOPERAN19 – Mütter’s Civilization by Bertl Mütter  & TALK – Myth of Civilization

Find full festival programme from September 12 – 21, 2019: Musiktheatertage Wien 2019: “Mythos Zivilisation” 

Musiktheatertage Wien

Musiktheatertage Wien
WUK – Werkstätten und Kulturhaus