Austrian Music Export @ Slovenian Music Week

In collaboration with the Waves Vienna Festival, we would like to invite Austrian labels, artists and agencies to an Austrian-Slovenian exchange event in Ljubljana. As part of the Slovenian Music Week, a networking and showcase event with Austrian bands, panels, matchmaking sessions and a relaxed meet and greet with Slovenian and international industry representatives, media partners and artists will be held on Friday, the 8th of February, 2013. This year’s focus of the Slovenian Music Week is on the neighboring regions and countries such as Croatia and Serbia.

Austria will be represented by The Beth Edges, Effi and Clara Luzia.

Austrian Music Export Bus Trip:
On this occasion the Austrian Music Export has organized a bus trip for Austrian companies and musicians from Vienna via Graz to Ljubljana and back. The bus ride, which we want to use as an opportunity to intensify the inner-Austrian exchange and to get to know you, is for FREE.
Thus, you only have to bear your accommodation costs (DR 80€; SR 65€/per day). Accreditation for the Slovenian Music Week and participation in networking events will also be provided free of charge.

Basic Information:
Slovenian Music Week, 05.-08.02.2012
Date: Friday, 08/02/2013
Location: Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
Conference Hotel: M Hotel Ljubljana (room reservations via Austrian Music Export)
Departure: Vienna around 8 a.m., venue tba; Graz around 11 a.m., venue tba.
Ljubljana Arrival: around 2 p.m.
Return: Saturday, 09.02.2013 in the afternoon

Please note that we are only able to take a limited number of Austrian participants. For this reason, the principle is “first come, first served”. If interested, please get in touch with us by Monday, January 21st and register at!

If you wish not to participate in the bus tour, but are interested in participating in the Slovenian Music Week and our networking event, we ask you to note this separately at registration.

Link: Slovenian Music Week