Artists To Watch: Wanda

Recently still considered as a music insider tip, the five guys from Wanda quickly surpassed this status and are currently celebrated by fans and critics across the German speaking realm. Shortly after signing with the record label Problembär Records last year, they released their debut album “Amore” in October 2014 and have ever since been ranking on the top of German charts.

The charismatic lead singer Marco Michael Wanda sings in his native lingo – Viennese. Lyrically, the songs are an ode to love, life and Vienna. The tracks do not always carry stories that convey a clear message, but deliver catchy and memorable phrases. The songs ooze sarcasm and good old Viennese charm, that is known to be rough at times, but therefore all the more endearing. The stories with its relatable, people-next-door characters are written by life, but could just as well be told by your neighbor in the stairwell.

Wanda could be reforming Austrian music and are reminiscent of predecessors such as Falco. It is a band that does not care to sing in High German and takes pride in its own linguistic roots. Stefan Redelsteiner, head of Problembär Records, speaks of anthems, of an album that has the qualities to become a classic in Austrian pop music. This does not seem so far-fetched when you listen to the twelve tracks of the album “Amore”. With solid guitar and piano solos, smoky pathos in the vocals and male choir interludes, Wanda skillfully distances itself from the cliché that German songs about love end up being attributed to Schlager music.

Those who think this formation is only a remake of past styles, bands and icons, and sounds like a washed out allstar band, should think again. The authenticity manifests itself in every line and verse. Wanda just proves once again how many brilliant ideas by Austrian musicians are emerging these days. It seems as if Wanda have created the right album at the right time. This could actually be a huge success.


Text: Lucia Laggner (translated from German)
Photo: © Problembär Records