APPLY For womex ’22

logo poster for Womex Call 2022

Calling all artists, DJs/producers, filmmakers, conference speakers and mentors for WOMEX, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-23 October 2022! Deadline to apply is Friday 18 March 2022.


WOMEX – Worldwide Music Expo – is the most international and culturally diverse music meeting in the world and the biggest conference of the global music scene, featuring a trade fair, talks, films and showcase concerts.


Proposals can be made in four categories are possible – Showcase | Club Summit | Film | Conference

They can be submitted via the dedicated website. The Call for Proposals closes at midnight (CET) Friday 18 March 2022.

WOMEX explicitly welcomes proposals from all backgrounds and encourages submissions, especially those that increase the international music scene’s diversity – be it of culture, region, gender, styles, performance tradition, and more.

Please help shape the programme with your ideas and music. Share and spread the word so that all artists, speakers, film-makers and music professionals of the global music scene worldwide can apply to be a part of the WOMEX 22 Programme.


Driven by the worldwide music community, the annual WOMEX programme is unparalleled in the global music scene; spanning all continents, from innovation to tradition, acoustic to electronic, multicultural, diverse and inclusive of all sectors and expertise.


We recognise that there are ongoing challenges and we are doing our best to support the global music community. WOMEX will take place as an in-person event organised once again together with AMG Music from Portugal, as the main local partner.

For more info go to the festival website.