A spotlight on young contemporary composers living in Austria

mica – music austria has put together a promotional package consisting of several modules for the younger representatives of contemporary music in Austria. 23 composers are represented with their compositions on 3 CDs. Furthermore, the package includes individual booklets with biographical data, a journalistic portrait and selected compositions.

Represented composers: Johannes Berauer, Christoph Breidler, Bernd Richard Deutsch, Hannes Dufek, Marios Joannou Elia, Sonja Huber, Peter Jakober, Manuela Kerer, Matthias Kranebitter, Veronika Mayer, Lukas Neudinger, Julia Purgina, Eva Reiter, Gerald Resch, Manuel de Roo, Veronika Simor, Tomasz Skweres, Judith Unterpertinger, Judit Varga, Simon Vosecek, Michael Wahlmüller, Ernst Wally, Thomas Wally.

The CDs and brochures will be distributed to multipliers at all festivals where mica – music austria is represented with an information stand (eg. Wien Modern, Witten, Donaueschingen).

The CDs and brochures will be sent with cooperation offers to relevant festivals and radio journalists in Europe.

If you are an event organizer or a journalist and are interested in the CDs or a collaboration, please contact:
Subject: Austrian Young Composers
mica – music austria thanks the supporters:
BMUKK – Federal Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture
Wien Kultur – Cultural Department of the City of Vienna MA7

mica – music austria also thanks IGNM, ÖKB and SKE-Fond for additional financial support.
The CD set was produced by mica – music austria, ISCM and  ÖKB

The composers were chosen by

mica – music austria
IG – Salzburg Composers
ISCM – International Society for Contemporary Music
INÖK – Composers in Lower Austria
KIBU – Composers in Burgenland
ÖKB – Austrian Composers’ Association

Graphic Design CD: 3007 – Agentur zu Kreation von audiovisuellen Erscheinungsformen
Portraits of composers: Doris Weberberger
Translation: Doris Miyung Brady
CD Master: Ollmann Feedback Studios Vienna
Concept/Idea: Sabine Reiter

CD review by Doris Weberberger