5 Million Pesos: Simsa Fünf

Simsa Fünf (c) Georg Buxhofer
Simsa Fünf (c) Georg Buxhofer

picture of oe1 logo 2021

“5 Million Pesos” – Young Jazz in and from Austria. A concert series by RadioKulturhaus Vienna and the Ö1 jazz editors. For the March 2023 edition: SIMSA FÜNF.

Concert time & place: Fri., Mar. 24, 2023, 8pm, Studio 3, Radiokulturhaus Vienna

Sebastian Simsa & Simsa Fünf

Andrej Prozorov (soprano sax)

Florian Sighartner (violin)

Carles Muñoz Camarero (cello)

Heimo Trixner (guitar)

Sebastian Simsa (drums)

With his quintet, drummer Sebastian Simsa, a very active player in the Viennese jazz scene, has also made a name for himself as a bandleader and composer since its founding in 2017.

At the beginning of 2022, the second CD “Perpetuum Mobile” was released, in which the 34-year-old once again indulges in his concept of “instrumental storytelling”: childhood memories, encounters with fellow contemporaries and travel impressions are packed into melodious, pictorial compositions, whose diversity of influences is organically fused into a colorful whole in the chamber music ensemble sound.

Video: Simsa Fünf at Porgy 2021

In cooperation with the Ö1 jazz editorial department.

Translated from the German original by Arianna Alfreds.