5 Million Pesos: Karel Eriksson and Sound Pollution Eclectic

photo of Sound Pollution Eclectic (c) Simon Reithofer
Sound Pollution Eclectic (c) Simon Reithofer

picture of oe1 logo 2021

“5 Million Pesos” – Young jazz in and from Austria. A concert series by RadioKulturhaus Vienna and the Ö1 jazz department. For the April 2023 edition: Karel Eriksson and Sound Pollution Eclectic.

Concert time & place: Fri., April 14, 2023, 8pm, Studio 3, Radiokulturhaus Vienna

Karel Eriksson & Sound Pollution Eclectic

Karel Eriksson (trombone)

Gerhard Ornig (trumpet)

Thilo Seevers (keyboards)

Emiliano Sampaio (guitar)

Luis Oliveira (drums)

The Graz-based Swedish trombonist Karel Eriksson has appeared once already in the “5 Million Pesos” series: the quartet Four Seasons, which he co-led with trumpeter Gerhard Ornig, were guests in January 2018. The latter joins him this time as well, as Eriksson presents his quintet Sound Pollution Eclectic with Ornig, Thilo Seevers (keyboards), Emiliano Sampaio (guitar) and Luis Oliveira (drums) – practically an all-star line-up of recent alumni from the jazz department of the Arts University in Graz.

Karel Eriksson was born in Estonia and grew up near Stockholm; after studying in Stockholm and Prague, he completed his studies with Ed Neumeister in 2014. The second CD from his quintet Sound Pollution Eclectic appeared on Alessa in 2022, and boasts not only a high-profile line-up but adventurous music: free improvisation and clearly structured passages complement one another, a multifarious dramaturgy ranging from lyrical, contemplative atmospheres and grooving ensemble passages – and the musicians also have ample space to display their skills as soloists. It’s wide-ranging contemporary jazz, performed by a top-flight quintet of tomorrow’s scene leaders.

Video: Sound Pollution Eclectic – Same View Different Meaning

In cooperation with the Ö1 jazz department.

Translated from the German original by Philip Yaeger.