WOMEX 2014
Santiago de Compostela, Galicia/Spain
October 22 – 26, 2014

WOMEX is an international networking platform for the world music industry. The annual five-day event comprises a bustling trade fair, showcase festival, conference, and film program, as well as a  festive opening and award ceremonies. The 20th edition of WOMEX will take place in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain, from Wednesday 22nd to Sunday 26th of October, 2014.

WOMEX is “The most important international professional market of world music of every kind. This international fair brings together professionals from the worlds of folk, roots, ethnic and traditional music and also includes concerts, conferences and documentary films. It contributes to networking as an effective means of promoting music and culture of all kinds across frontiers.” (UNESCO Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity)

This year, WOMEX will celebrate a major milestone as it marks its 20th anniversary. Since its first edition in 1994, WOMEX has been roaming all across Europe from Berlin (1994), via Brussels (1995), Marseille (1997), Stockholm (1998), Berlin (1999 + 2000), Rotterdam (2001), Essen (2002 + 2004), Newcastle (2005), Sevilla (2003 + 2006-2008), Copenhagen (2009-2011), Thessaloniki (2012) to Cardiff (2013).

Numbers of WOMEX 2013 in Cardiff

  • more than 2000 delegates from
  • 90 countries
  • 800 bookers and promoters
  • 600 exhibitors
  • 300 international journalists and broadcasters
  • 60 showcase acts
  • 300 performing artists


WOMEX Website | http://www.womex.com/
WOMEX Program | http://www.womex.com/realwomex/2014/showcase_schedule.html
WOMEX Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/worldmusicexpo


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.