100 Years of the Austrian Composers‘ Society

10th-17th of June, 2013
93 Composers – 12 Concerts – 8 Venues


Since 1913 the Austrian Composers‘ Society (ÖKB) has been representing national composers of all genres. To celebrate this special anniversary, the ÖKB has organized the weeklong festival “100 Years of Austrian Composers‘ Society”, which will take place from the 10th-17th of June at eight venues with concerts ranging from pop to classical music, as well as a symposium and a chronicle.

With the aspiration of presenting 93 composers on 8 days with 12 concerts in 8 different locations, the program offers a full range of Austrian music creations from the genres pop, rock, classical, jazz, electronics and Viennese song.

The festival opening on the 10th of June at the RadioKulturhaus will be dedicated to the young generation with compositions by students of the five Austrian music universities. On the  11th of  June the ensemble xx. jahrhundert will perform compositions by contemporary composers at the Vienna Konzerthaus, while at the same time the Composers’ Lounge will host an audio/visual & DJ night at the venue Porgy & Bess with Sir Tralala, Gerd Schuller, OchoReSotto, Franz Reisecker and Rupert Huber.

On the 12th of June a memorial concert for ostracized composers will be held at the Vienna Konzerthaus, where the oenm will honor the many persecuted and exiled composers by playing works from Walter Arlen, Joseph Horovitz, Roman Haubenstock-Ramati, Ernst Krenek, Marcel Rubin and Egon Wellesz.

The fourth festival day, the 13th of June, will start in the Jesuit Church with an organ concert including works by Friedrich Cerha, Ernst Wally and Lukas Haselböck. Shortly after, a gala evening at the Vienna Konzerthaus will present Austrian pop music by Maria Bill, Eva K. Anderson and Valerie Sajdik with their own songs, as well as songs from Austrian composers such as Christian Kolonovits, Clemens Wenger, Harald Hanisch and many more.

On the 14th of June, the founding day of the Austrian Composers‘ Society, the pianist Harald Ossberger will play works of the Composers Society’s president in the venue Alte Schmiede. On the same evening  in the Vienna Konzerthaus, the European Contemporary Composers’ Orchestra will perform works by composers of the European partner organizations.

The Composers’ Lounge “Crossover” on the 15th of June at the Vienna Konzerthaus will take the audience on a journey through musical genres, styles, countries and time periods with the Neue Wiener Concert Schrammeln, Vienna Clarinet Connection, Living Transit, Die Strottern and Wilfer & Wilfer, and with works by Peter Uhler, Peter Havlicek, Johannes Dickbauer, Pavel Shalman, Raphaela Buschenreiter, David Müller, Klemens Lendl, Helmut Hödl, Alexander Kukelka and Felix Wilfer. On Sunday, 16th of June, the Ensemble Reconsil will play a matinee at the Arnold Schönberg Center with works by Julia Purgina, Gerd Kühr, Bruno Strobl, Arnold Schönberg/Alexander Wagendristel and others.

On the last festival day, the 17th of June, the wind quartet of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra will perform in the OESTIG hall. Last but not least, the grand finale will take place in the courtyard of the Hofburg Vienna with the Guard Music of the Austrian Armed Forces.

The Austrian Composers’ Society (ÖKB)
The ÖKB is the official representative body of Austrian-based composers of all musical styles and genres. The association founded in 1913 is organized as a nonprofit organization and currently has more than 500 members. The primary objective is to promote and strengthen the social, cultural political and economic position of musicians in Austria. The board consists of Klaus Ager (president), Hannes Heher and Alexander Kukelka (vice presidents), Johannes Kretz, Lothar Scherpe, Harald Hanisch and Erich Urbanner.

Festival Passes are available for € 43/€ 22 (discounted for ÖKB members and students) at the Ticket Office of the Vienna Konzerthaus under the phone number 01/242002. Single tickets for € 16/€ 8 (discounted) are available at each festival venue in advance or at the evening box office.